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2022 started very sunny, however also with a few ups and downs. The current situation in Europe is not that good, COVID cases are rising, and more people around me are getting infected.


The new year started off very sunny! Being able to spend Christmas break with my family in Malaga was an absolute bliss, and a great way to start the year! Ole came around as well, and besides playing quite a bit of Padel, chilling in the sun, and eating, we also did a road trip to Tarifa. Tarifa is a town 1.5 hours away from Malaga, famous for windsurfing and kitesurfing. You can see some photos here.


2022 also started off with a lot of new and exciting projects: a trip to Valencia, and a few shoots in Munich. Sadly, many of the projects were cancelled or postponed because of COVID infections. This for sure was a bit of a bummer, however realistic in the world we are currently living in. I used this time to reach out to potential customers, and plan projects for the upcoming future.


For a photography course I was doing, I had to be in the Netherlands for the final assessment. It was good to be back for a little, to see a few people however, it was also good to return to (a bit sunnier) Munich!


At the end of 2021, I have been working together a lot with Bonusrun as a creative producer & photographer. Bonusrun is a production agency based in the USA, UK and Germany. It is very interesting to step into this world. I am learning a lot from the many talented people I get to work with! There are currently a lot of projects in the talks that might be happening this year. For sure, check out Bonusrun's website, there is some awesome stuff in there!


Just like January, there are also still a few uncertainties in February. There is a chance that Ill be going to Mexico for 2 weeks, there is however also a chance that I will be photographing for the vfBB charity, who ensures that burn victims from third-world countries get operated on in Germany (see previous work here). There are also quite a few commercial projects that will be going on, however as I learned in January, expectations are low, and we just go with the flow!


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